On 10 March, Cyber London held a live LinkedIn webinar specifically designed to facilitate employer engagement with the Cyber Access Network (CAN), the latest initiative from the UK Cyber Security Council. One of Cyber London’s Advisory Board Members, Moona Ederveen-Schneider, hosted the event, with guest speaker David Battersby, the Senior Programme Officer – Professional Standards from the UK Cyber Security Council. Why CAN? The venture aims to provide networking opportunities, webinars, online content and curated resources for students starting out in cyber and also career changers on the lookout for new opportunities.
After greetings and introductions from Moona, David took the stage, giving the lowdown on the role of the UK Cyber Security Council in CAN. He first introduced the UK Cyber Security Council as a not-for-profit with a mission to standardise and professionalise cybersecurity and help employers and professionals close the skills gap. He then detailed the Council’s existing early careers work, including
the Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) of 16 to 25-year-old students who inform everything that the Council does
certification mapping for career planning
the innovative careers framework for budding cyber professionals, which splits cybersecurity into 15 different specialisms – from security testers to risk assessors
the Cyber Access Hub, which consists of teaching tools and resources for people wanting to learn hard cybersecurity skills
the Associate Cyber Security Professional (ASAP), which is first on the ladder leading to Chartered Cyber Security Professional
David then explained the role of CAN as a support structure for an existing journey in cybersecurity, not intended to replace existing training courses. The Council has identified the two main audiences as students from universities, colleges, apprenticeships and more, and career changers – those in the process of a mid-career shift. CAN aims to provide networking opportunities, both internally as a community, as well as networking with employers and professionals who can provide valuable career guidance. The Council also plans to signpost existing programmes, including the Cyber Clusters and certification providers, thereby avoiding duplication of training offered within CAN. David also highlighted the importance of addressing knowledge gaps through webinars, resources and other events.
David then elaborated on the rationale behind the CAN initiative:
cybersecurity, as a fairly new field, can be difficult to navigate, particularly for newcomers who find it difficult to distinguish between valuable community-led programmes as opposed to those with a commercial slant
there is a gap in cybersecurity talent and skills in the UK that needs to be addressed
there is a lack of alignment between employer expectations and the knowledge and skills of entry-level professionals
David emphasised that support for CAN should come from both employers and professionals. Support can also come in the form of webinars delivered by professionals, including case studies of real-world cybersecurity engagements. Employers who can spare an HR professional can also help by facilitating networking sessions and explaining what employers could expect and the level of technical expertise would-be cyber experts may need. Employers can also co-produce guides with CAN members, and for the generous ones out there, sponsorship of in-person events would be fantastic.
Moona, who started her career in cybersecurity when she was 16, then took the podium to explain the role of Cyber London in the CAN project. Moona’s first goal is to have as many employers as possible sign up for CAN. She also explained that Cyber London has several webinars and in-person events planned, aimed at engaging employers, cyber professionals and students. Cyber London will also produce resources on cybersecurity employability and those aimed at developing technical knowledge. Moona reiterated that cybersecurity is a wonderful, inclusive and diverse industry to work in, and Cyber London will endeavour to make it easier for the next generation to gain access to cyber.
Find out more about CAN here https://bit.ly/can-cl
Join CAN here https://bit.ly/canrf-cl